Monday, November 19, 2007
How To add Your Flickr on Your Wordpress Blog
After sign in To Wordpress Go To Dashboard > Select Widget > Select Flickr Widget from available widget.Drug this widget on your sidebar. Click on Configure of Flickr. Put ur Flickr RSS URL . You can select how many picture you want to display. Select the picture Number and save it. Thats it.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Disable Copy & Paste (Infected by Virus)

Day before Yesterday I falled in a problem. That was My PC’s Copy Paste option became disable Automatically. It was too much Panicable situaltion.
Here Must have to share with everybody.That day I took a memory card reader from one of my friend. He was bothering me to have a Hindi Song. I put his card reader to USB port and tried to send that song.But reader became open automatically. My PC became hang. After sometime my mouse cursor was blinking and blinking steedy. I Unpluged Reader,but it was too late.My PC had become infected with that virus. My existing Anti Virus software was unable to find out the virus and to kill.
Last night I format ‘C’ Drive. But no profit. Then Installed Active Virus Shield and finally got free from virus. Now I can Copy Paste.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Saturday, September 15, 2007
"Ahlan Wa Sahlan
Mahe Ramadan"
After a year Holly Ramadan has come to us.Ramadan brings Lots of Opportunity for Muslims. Such as if any body perform a Nafle Ebadat it returns Farz Equal Sawab.If any body perform a Farz Ebadat it returns 700% Sawab. That means 1:700.
Mahe Ramadan"
After a year Holly Ramadan has come to us.Ramadan brings Lots of Opportunity for Muslims. Such as if any body perform a Nafle Ebadat it returns Farz Equal Sawab.If any body perform a Farz Ebadat it returns 700% Sawab. That means 1:700.
Monday, August 27, 2007
আমি চিরতরে দূরে চলে যাব
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Working Holiday Makers UK :: Some Information

Most of the developed countries offer this working holiday maker programme. This working holiday offer young people to stay in those countries for one to three years depending the country’s visa offer, legally and work and travel around that country, to visit and live in any city or country side and work there, earn money and spend it. This Programe is suitable for young people who are unmarried and willing to see and experience that country. What most important is the Host country expect the young person to leave their country at the end of the working holiday period or before. As many thirld world country people use this as a mean for entering in a country and live there permanantly, many countries stopped this working holiday maker programmes for third world countries. And most of the working holiday maker visa offering countries have guidelines and help young people to find ways to Jobs and accomodation through official and external websites. Also they offer country facts and weather conditions, language teaching and many more for the young people to have their stay pleasent.
Holiday Makers in Uk:
How do I qualify as a working holidaymaker?You must be able to show that you:
are a citizen of a country listed in Appendix 3 of the Immigration Rules, a British Overseas Territories citizen, a British Overseas citizen or a British National (Overseas) are aged between 17 and 30 want to come to the UK for an extended holiday, and intend to take employment as part of your holiday for no more than 12 months during your stay
do not intend to set yourself up in or run a business, or work as a professional sportsperson during your stay are single, or that you are married to, or the civil partner of someone who also qualifies as a working holidaymaker and you plan to take the working holiday together
do not have any dependent children aged five or over, or who will be five before your holiday ends can support yourself in the UK without needing any help from public funds
have not spent time in the UK on a previous working holidaymaker visa, and intend to leave the UK at the end of your holiday.
You must get a visa before you travel to the UK as a working holidaymaker.More Information is Here.
---শিরোনাম হীন কবিতা---
যার সঙ্গ পেয়ে তুমি ভরপুর
তুমি তারই সঙ্গী।
তার রঙ্গমেলায় তোমার শান্তি
তুমি সেই সভারই মুখ্য অতিথি।
আমার দহন, সহজ ক্রন্দন,
অস্ফুট বাষার অভিলাষ
তব চরনে অর্ঘ্য স্বরূপ
কিংবা সর্বনাশ।
তুমি তারই সঙ্গী।
তার রঙ্গমেলায় তোমার শান্তি
তুমি সেই সভারই মুখ্য অতিথি।
আমার দহন, সহজ ক্রন্দন,
অস্ফুট বাষার অভিলাষ
তব চরনে অর্ঘ্য স্বরূপ
কিংবা সর্বনাশ।
Friday, August 17, 2007
I dont know
Last night I've seen blogger have blocked my one of blog . Reason is the question of spam blogging.But I dont know yet what is spam blogging?How can I get total information about this? Any body help me please????????
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
আমি তো গিয়েছি জেনে
আমি তো গিয়েছি জেনে প্রণয়ের দারুন আকালে
নীল নীল বনভূমি ভেতরে জন্মালে
কেউ কেউ চলে যায়,চলে যেতে হয়,
অবলীলা ক্রমে কেউ বেছে নেয় পৃথক প্লাবন,
কেউ কেউ এই ভাবে চলে যায় বুকে নিয়ে ব্যাকুল আগুন।
(হেলাল হাফিজের-"আমার কি এসে যাবে" কবিতার এ অংশ টুকু আমার খুব ভাল লাগে । )
নীল নীল বনভূমি ভেতরে জন্মালে
কেউ কেউ চলে যায়,চলে যেতে হয়,
অবলীলা ক্রমে কেউ বেছে নেয় পৃথক প্লাবন,
কেউ কেউ এই ভাবে চলে যায় বুকে নিয়ে ব্যাকুল আগুন।
(হেলাল হাফিজের-"আমার কি এসে যাবে" কবিতার এ অংশ টুকু আমার খুব ভাল লাগে । )
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Bangla Forum
Few days ago I’ve joined in a bangla forum named projanmo . This is cool forum. I wrote in blog but this is new experience for me. Actually Raju vai invited me for this forum. Thanks a lot Raju vai. :)
Thursday, June 21, 2007
First Post
Hi Everybody.This is Sharif Abdullah from Bangladesh.Always feel Proud to be Bangladeshi.Im continuing another blog at Wordpress.But from Now I want to write here too.Please keep in touch and enjoy my blog :)
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